MOT Reminder.

Road tax, MOT, insurance & maintenance alerts totally FREE.

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Helping 1,000's of UK drivers avoid penalties & stay legal on the road.

What does it cost?

Our MOT reminder service is completely free.

How does it work?

To use the system:

  1. Create a free account
  2. Add one or more vehicles details:
    • Vehicle registration
    • Make (e.g. Toyota)
  3. Optionally, add additional contacts for alerts.
  4. Create alert configurations for vehicles & contacts to send notifications to.

Our system will automatically update your MOT & road tax information including your next due date.

How are reminders sent?

MOT reminders are sent to each configured contact email address prior to the MOT expiration date for the vehicle.

How many vehicles can be added?

You can receive automated MOT alerts for up to 6 vehicles.

Our MOT reminder Benefits

  • Manage multiple vehicles from one place.
  • Get more time to make vehicle repair plans.
  • Reduce the risk of driving the vehicle without a valid MOT.